
一、 依教育部113年5月15日臺教高(五)字第1132201255號函辦理。(如附件)
二、 有鑑於日前媒體報導大專校院學生報名國際研討會疑遭詐欺案件,為維護校內師生學術研究成果及人身、財產安全,請全校師生詳見來函說明。
三、 為維護學術品質,研發處已於研發處網頁設置學術倫理系列專區,介紹掠奪性期刊與研討會之一般性特徵及應注意事項,並定期更新相關介紹文章供本校師生參酌,請師生謹慎辨識期刊優劣及了解掠奪性期刊、會議之風險,避免不慎誤投或參加。

MOE Has Issued Points of Caution to Prevent Faculty and Students from Falling into Predatory Conference Traps or Publishing in Predatory Journals

1. Please refer to the attached notice.
2. The Research and Development Office has established a dedicated section on its website for academic ethics. This section outlines the general characteristics of predatory journals and conferences, along with points of caution. It is regularly updated with relevant articles for faculty and students to reference. Faculty and students are advised to carefully evaluate the quality of journals and understand the risks associated with predatory journals and conferences to avoid inadvertent submission or participation.